Piriformis Syndrom or Sciatica

PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME OR SCIATICA? Many of my clients come to me asking for help after having been diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome (PS) aka “Pseudo Sciatica”. PS is caused by either a tight piriformis muscle or a spasm of the same causing irritation to the underlying...

Chest pain: indigestion or angina?

In today’s blog I would like to share a recent experience I  had with one of my clients, hoping that sharing this story with you and elaborating on it will help you recognize the symptoms of coronary artery disease and prevent heart attack and possible death for...

Osteoporosis: Maintain and recreate bone density

This blog is focusing on one of the most common health problems among my older female clients/patients, Osteoporosis.OverviewOsteoporosis is the most common bone disease in women over 50 in the US. A loss of bone density occurs when the body doesn’t form enough new...

Your greatest financial asset is you!

The best investment I have ever made! Spring is a time for taxes and a reminder for me to check up on my current investment plans and investigate future opportunities. This time around I thought I would share my best investment tip with you that offers high returns...

Fitness tips for tennis players

To find out how to prepare for Tennis let’s look at the physical characteristics of the game and determine what attributes of physical performance should be addressed through training. Keep in mind: “we get fit to play a sport not playing a sport to get fit!” Tennis...