My resolver is greater than ever!

My resolver is greater than ever!

When getting back from today’s ride, freezing cold, wet to the bones and dirty and grimy I found an e-mail in my inbox send by one of our Team’s Honorees (someone living with a form of blood cancer) that made me forget about my ride instantly and strengthened my...
I need your help

I need your help

Dear Friend, in the next couple of months some of my blogs (the fitness adviser will continue paralell) will be dedicated to a personal effort that is close to my heart. I have become a member of TEAM IN TRAINING, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s main fund raising...
IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome

Dear Friends, today I want to address a very common and painful condition effecting the outside of thighs, hips and knees. The Iliotibial Band (IT Band) runs from the hip (ilia crest) along the outside of the thigh attaching to the tibia (shinbone) just below the...
Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Dear Friends, After taking a break I am coming back to you with a blog that addresses the fitness needs of an age group opposite to those I wrote about last time, our children and adolescents. Childhood obesity has according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control)...
Fitness Training for Seniors: From Frail 2 Fit

Fitness Training for Seniors: From Frail 2 Fit

This month I would like to write about fitness for the aging population.  More than half of our clients at BACK IN FORM are 60 years of age or older. We truly cherish this group and love working with them. We offer a program called “Frail-2-Fit” that suits every...