Exercising during and post menopause

Exercising during and post menopause

Today’s blog is trying to offer some insights into the challenges women are faced with during perimenopause and post menopause and how exercise can help overcome some of it’s challenges. Menopause is defined as the natural absence of a menstrual period and fertility...
Fitness 50-plus: Rest and Recovery

Fitness 50-plus: Rest and Recovery

Dear Friend,Unfortunately, identifying the right balance of hard work and recovery is the most difficult part of serious fitness training. So it comes to no surprise that most of my clients are much more focused on the exercises I teach to help them reach their goals...
Exercising with advance chronic kidney disease

Exercising with advance chronic kidney disease

Dear Friend,recently one of my long term clients and dear friends started dialysis after years of chronic kidney disease (CKD) as it moved from stage 3 to 4 and finally reached stage 5 which called for aggressive treatment and dialysis.Today’s blog is trying to...
Choosing a personal fitness trainer

Choosing a personal fitness trainer

Dear Friend, Tis the season after the season. That means gyms are filling up and fitness trainers are getting busy helping all those with New Years Resolutions and Holiday Season Expansion to live healthier and lighter lives. In today’s blog I would like to take a...